Tuesday, 29 May 2012

MUSEAM TRIP- Gallerys.

Gallery 1- Gallery one was about Pukaki, the giant maori treasure, that was carved in 1836. I liked how they had the whole gallery based around Pukaki.

Gallery 2- The second gallery was all about the Te Arawa tribe, and how they navigated there way to Aotearoa. It was cool how they had the movie, and the giant canoe set in the middle of the gallery.

Gallery 3- The third gallery was all about maori treasures and taonga that they use to use "back in the day" like the maori hook, "matau", and the Hinaki, an eel catching net.

Gallery 4- I liked how Galleryfour had a Pataka to the side, and had a lot of maori history facts around it.

Gallery 5- This gallery is about all of the items that the Europeans brought over when they came from across the ocean. It was cool how they had it all laid out.

Gallery 6- I think that gallery six was one of my favourites because it was all about the Tarawera Eruption, the aftermath and all the devastation. It was interesting how they focused alot of the exhibits on Guide Sophia.

Gallery 7- This gallery was about Te Arawa at war, and the Maori Battalian.  It was interesting how up on the wall of all the soldiers, Jessie had a relative.

Gallery 8- This gallery had alot of information on New Zealand and is history. It also contained a carving called Te Rangitakaroro.

North Wing= Bathtubs, I liked the bath that you could stand on.
The Attic/ Viewing Platform= The view was really PRETTY!!

Monday, 28 May 2012

My Poem ☺


The Rockies, The Rockies, The Rockies, The Rockies.
Kate was wearing some black sockies.
The Rockies are tall, The Rockies are fat,
but are they as tall as Olivias cat...
That is all.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012


Today for fitness we did Prom Dancing. 
The End.

Joking. :) 
This week we have the hall for fitness, and we are practising prom dancing. We only did 2 and a half songs today. 2 of our circle dances, and the samba-ish. I like Prom Dancing because it is fun.
The End...
for real.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Homework thingy- Week 4...

William moved towards the wooden door and pulled it back slowly... And there he stood in the hall at Wellington Girls College. Auditioning for New Zealand's Got Talent.

This week in Wellington, the Auditions began for New Zealand's Got Talent 2012-2013.
Singer, dancers, jugglers, and bagpipe players turned up at Wellington Girls East College, to be first in for the auditions. 

The End.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha-Chapter 20

1- What did Eve and Matt find?
    While Eve and Matt where examining the candle holder, they found some small diamonds, but not the Rothery Stone.

2-Do you think that they should go with Ana? Why? 
   I dont think they should go with Ana, but because she is associated with the gang, and because she seems a bit dodgy.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha- Chapter 19

WALT- Edit and proof read our writing

Why did they go to the museum?-
They went to the museum to hand in Eves research and to talk to some of the staff at The Museum.

What do you think might be special about the ponga?-
I think that it maybe has diamons stored in it, or is a sample of the ground by Mt Tarawera 

Monday, 14 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha- Chapter 18

WALT- Edit and proof read our writing...

1- What does Eve do in this chapter?
Eve goes to Ian Mcmillans presentation, and then makes Matt spend a whole day with him. Then goes out searching for treasure at Whakarewarewa.

2- What is going to happen next?
I think there is going to be an eruption and everybody will die. :)

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Newspaper Article

A lady, Sharon Jones, found a $1 million winning lotto ticket, after it had been thrown away.

Sharon Duncan is the person who bought the ticket, and threw it away after the machine said it was not a winning ticket. 

Soon after, Sharon Jones picked up the winning ticket, took it to the counter, and realized it was a winning ticket.

The judge claims that Sharon Duncan never gave the rights of her money away, so she gets to keep her money from the ticket she bought.

Who do you think should keep the money??


Happy happy happy happy mothers mothers mothers mothers day day day day!!!!!!

Friday, 11 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha- Chapter 17

Gawks real name is Cecil Hilton.

Gawk lives in a shabby galvinised iron garage, with just enough room for three people.

Gawk gave the items back because he was threatened by Jackson that he would tell WXK.

I would be worried, because since Jackson brought the gang in, they might question Matt how he got the coins back.

The End

Cry Of The Taniwha-Chapter 16

Console- A game console, Play station, Xbox...(pg116 para1)
Lorna has a PS3 console.

Briefly- For a short amount of time...(116 para7)
Hannah was brefly being annoying, then she went away.

Bombarded- Storm in, attack...( pg116 para 12)
Brennan was bombarded with dodgeballs when he went onto the courts.

Edition- A series of books, "the new edition'...(pg117 para1)
The new edition of The Daily Post just came out.

Pendant- A hanging ornament from a necklace...(pg117 para2
Hannah's sister lost her pendant on Monday. (Hannah ate it.)

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha- Chapter 15

Hone got angry because Matt didnt inform him about the gang threatening Jackson and Matt to find treasure.

As Matt exits the car he sees a bucket full of bananas, far off in the distance. He runs toward it, but it only gets farther and farther away. Suddenly he sees a bright light, then Hone is sitting straight in front of him. As Matt sits up, Hone starts to explain what happened. "Matt" he said gently, "while you were on the plane to Rotorua, you fainted. You've been knocked out ever since" "So no WXK?" "Whats that??" "Nothing" said Matt.

The End...
'Or is it??
Yeah it is the end..
Or NOT!!???

Tuesday, 8 May 2012


Matt did not sleep well because he was worrying about Juzza, and WXK.- paragraph 1=pg 99

Nan told Matt that he was famous, because he was in the newspaper after discovering the body.-paragraph 2=pg 99

Whille in the Redwoods, Matt found 9 gold coins, but in attempt to leave, the Gawk stole his metal detecter, and all of his gold coins. paragraph 5=pg 103-105

Eve discovered that Jack Boult robbed the Bashems of all of thier possesions, and she suspects that the skeleton in Whakarewarewa was his. paragraph 1=pg 105


Hello, I am Bob McBobson. I love cheese, and food that begin with C. I have a pet dinosaur called Steve, and a goldfish called Hobson. 
The end

Monday, 7 May 2012

Cry Of The Taniwha- Chapter 13

How is Mat feeling about Juzza now???
Mat wants to help Jackson with the gang, but every now and then, Jackson just kept getting pulled back in. Mat is very ashamed about Jackon, because of his addiction to the gang.

Who is Gawk???
Gawk is the name Matt used to discribe a person in the bush. Gawk is a strange perverted queer. Gawk has orange hair, and wears a bright tropical top, and tight short shorts. The end.

What was Gawk doing???
Gawk, was pretty much gawking at a coulpe doing thier thaang in the bush. Do not approach him, he is QUEER!

Rock Climbing

On Sunday morning I got up early to go to Tauranga for the Mount regionals 2012.
In a comp your age group has three climbs, one on strategy, one on time, and one as the final.
Out of my age group, I got 3rd overall. :)
 The end.

Friday, 4 May 2012

Who are they?? :O

Cry of the taniwha- Chapter 12...

Louise Miller- Lousie Millar is Mary Basham, wife of Edward Basham's mother. She once owned a golden locket, that she has now given to her daughter. 

Edward Basham- Edward is Marys husband. He and his wife were on a work related holiday in Rotorua. He is a banker.

Mary Bashem- Mary is married to Edward Bashem, and they were on holiday at the time of the explosion.

Scott Murray- Scott Murray also known as Skulla, is the leader of WXK, the local gang. He is very ferocious, and should not be approached.

Eve- Eve Hasting is on holidays for two weeks in Rotorua. In her travels she met Mat Logan, and is helping him on his adventure to find treasure.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Homework Article- Week 2

A Harley-Davidson that was swept away in a container following 2011's Japanese tsunami has washed up on a Canadian beach. Photo / AP This Harley Davidson washed up on the shores of Canada after a 6400km ride on the ocean.                                                            Ikuo Yokoyama recognised this as his motorbike after Japanese media found him using the number of this rusty motorbike washed up o the Canadian shores. Ikuo couldn't believe his motorbike had survived being in a storage container for over 6 months. 


A carrot is a orange vegetable. Many people enjoy eating this orange delicacy, including me, and people from all around the solar system. Carrots help prevent death and cancerou. You can have carrot juice, carrot smoothies, and even carrot ice cream. I love carrots. Comment if you do too. :)

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Cry of the taniwha

Walt: Write informative, interesting sentnces...
Caucasion:European, light skin colour.
Complexion:Skin colour.
Absence:Not being there, away.
Soveriegn: Type of gold coins.
Resistance:Holding back, not wanting to.
Corrosion: Rust, or a type of decomposition.
"Tonight on Police 10/7 we want your help to find this Caucasion male..."

His complexion was horibble, but only because he was in a fire when he was little.

Her  absensce from the meeting was very sudden, then, the phone rang.

After we found the coins, we gave them to the police. They told us they were sovereigns.

There was a big resistance toward Bob getting new shoes, but in the end, they gave in.

There was so much corrosion on the nail, that Bo had to use a knife to scrape it all off.

Missing the bus

This morning I was showing Kate And Olivia my new panda speakers, and we sortof kinda nearly missed the bus. The bus came roaring down the road and we broke into a sprint, and on the way Olivia kinda fell over :)
It was a very interesting adventure... I just hope it dosent happen again.

This is my panda speaker, his name is Bob Jim Pandamonium. You hold his ears to turn the volume up and down :)

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

The Members of WXK

Scott Murray, also known as Skulla, is the leader of the former gang WXK. He is a violent person who was very good at league, but hit the wall when his dad moved away.
Dennis William or Diz, is a very violent man, who threatens other people just for the fun of it. Diz is so violent, that he nearly pummled someone to death.
And last of all, Cory "Croak" Collins, Craok has multiple gang tatoos and a big mohawk. He is very threatening aswell and is not afraid to put up a fight.

These men are not to be approached...

Out of the window...

This morning, I have nothing to write about, so I am going to write about what i can see out of the window...
I can see nothing, because the window is behind me. Plus I cant really be bothered to turn all the way around and have a look. But fortunately there are two windows, and out of the other window i can see the library the sky, and not much else..
Bye bye ☺