Gallery 1- Gallery one was about Pukaki, the giant maori treasure, that was carved in 1836. I liked how they had the whole gallery based around Pukaki.
Gallery 2- The second gallery was all about the Te Arawa tribe, and how they navigated there way to Aotearoa. It was cool how they had the movie, and the giant canoe set in the middle of the gallery.
Gallery 3- The third gallery was all about maori treasures and taonga that they use to use "back in the day" like the maori hook, "matau", and the Hinaki, an eel catching net.
Gallery 4- I liked how Galleryfour had a Pataka to the side, and had a lot of maori history facts around it.
Gallery 5- This gallery is about all of the items that the Europeans brought over when they came from across the ocean. It was cool how they had it all laid out.
Gallery 6- I think that gallery six was one of my favourites because it was all about the Tarawera Eruption, the aftermath and all the devastation. It was interesting how they focused alot of the exhibits on Guide Sophia.
Gallery 7- This gallery was about Te Arawa at war, and the Maori Battalian. It was interesting how up on the wall of all the soldiers, Jessie had a relative.
Gallery 8- This gallery had alot of information on New Zealand and is history. It also contained a carving called Te Rangitakaroro.
North Wing= Bathtubs, I liked the bath that you could stand on.
The Attic/ Viewing Platform= The view was really PRETTY!!
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